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I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice. I hold a Ph.D. in sociology from Brown University, U.S.


My research focuses on how state, market, and family institutions and their interplay sustain, modify or challenge unequal gender relations. Currently, I have two main projects. First, I research work-life balance policy implementation in Europe for the TransEuroWorks project funded by Horizon Europe (Transforming European Work and Social Protection - A New Proactive Welfare State Fit for The Future World of Work). Second, I work on a book project currently entitled "Adapted Delivery: How Childcare Workers and Parents Produce Care in the Neighborhoods of Chennai." The book is based on participant observations and over 200 interviews with teachers and parents in 15 neighborhoods in Chennai, India. This project has been financially supported by Hazeltine Fellowship for Entrepreneurship, the Global Mobility Fellowship, and grants from the American Institute for Indian Studies, the Population Studies and Training Center, the Center for Contemporary South Asia and the Pembroke Center at Brown University.


I engage in interdisciplinary work and use quantitative, qualitative and spatial analysis methods. I maintain a strong interest in policy-oriented research on gender, care work, and welfare states, and have conducted research on these issues in India, China and Vietnam.


My work has been published in academic and policy-related outlets, see here.


Prior to my Ph.D. I worked in the World Bank’s Social Development Department researching policy issues related to gender, social exclusion, poverty and social impacts of policy reforms in the Global South.


I hold an MA in Comparative Business Economics from University College London and a dual BA in Economics from Edinburgh Napier University (UK) and ISM University of Management and Economics (Lithuania).


My name is Lithuanian, it is written as Ieva Žumbytė and pronounced as ea-va zhum-bee-teh.


Please contact me for my CV.


Photo Credit: Stasys Žumbys

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